
New Enrollments

One Hug Isn't Enough!

A child needs two hugs—their parents' and their teachers'.
A child needs two hugs—their parents' and their teachers'. They need two families—their own and their school's—to be filled with emotions, knowledge, experiences, and skills. We've created that second hug, that second family, at the "RODION PAIDEIA" School.
Here, we take pride in watching your children, who are also our children, grow, thrive, excel, and succeed. And that’s enough for us. 
Give your child this precious second hug with us!

Enrollment Process  

Give your child the most valuable gift!
Give your child the opportunity to start their educational journey in the most exciting way! The enrollment process at our schools is simple, and our team will guide you every step of the way.
Contact us today for an introductory tour!


Contact Us

Fill out the contact form. Our admissions department will get in touch with you to inform you about our flexible programs, the opportunities we offer, and the availability of spaces.


Visit Us

We conduct personal information sessions about our educational programs throughout the academic year. We discuss your child’s specific needs and suggest the individualized learning approach that best suits them. We also encourage you to visit us during our open events and activities, where you can get a better feel for life at our school.


Assess Learning Profile

We assess your child’s learning profile and identify their specific educational needs. Then, we discuss the findings with you from the Counseling Center and our educators, and we jointly design the plan for your child's integration into our educational community.



Once we determine that "RODION PAIDEIA" is the right educational environment for your child and the admission process is successfully completed, a place will be offered to your child.
Priority is given to the siblings of our current students for the available spots.

Enrollment Process  

Give your child the most valuable gift!
Give your child the opportunity to start their educational journey in the most exciting way! The enrollment process at our schools is simple, and our team will guide you every step of the way.
Contact us today for an introductory tour!


Contact Us

Fill out the contact form. Our admissions department will get in touch with you to inform you about our flexible programs, the opportunities we offer, and the availability of spaces.


Visit Us

We conduct personal information sessions about our educational programs throughout the academic year. We discuss your child’s specific needs and suggest the individualized learning approach that best suits them. We also encourage you to visit us during our open events and activities, where you can get a better feel for life at our school.


Assess Learning Profile

We assess your child’s learning profile and identify their specific educational needs. Then, we discuss the findings with you from the Counseling Center and our educators, and we jointly design the plan for your child's integration into our educational community.



Once we determine that "RODION PAIDEIA" is the right educational environment for your child and the admission process is successfully completed, a place will be offered to your child.
Priority is given to the siblings of our current students for the available spots.

Enrollment Cycles

Important Dates

1st Enrollment Cycle
Until April 30th
2nd Enrollment Cycle
Until June 30th
Late Applications
Until August 25th
*If there are available spots, enrollments can also be made throughout the year.

"Going to School" Program  

The "Going to School" program is an open invitation from our Schools through which parents can learn about our curriculum and the best educational practices we offer for their child.

In every such invitation, you can enjoy a pleasant and informative introductory journey.

Going to School" Day Program:

Welcome by the Director:
We begin with a discussion between the parents and the Grade Director, which provides valuable information about the school’s vision, ethics, and commitment to quality education for your children.
Get to Know Our Curriculum:
Presentation of our programs by the Academic Director and our students. This is an opportunity to learn about our pedagogical approaches and innovative teaching practices.
Meet the Admissions Team:
Our Admissions Team will answer your questions about the enrollment process and key dates.
Campus Tour:
We will guide you through our well-equipped classrooms, art and science labs, and other state-of-the-art facilities, giving you a taste of the vibrant daily student life.

Schedule Your Visit

Your child's journey of learning, discovery, and growth begins with this visit. We look forward to welcoming you to our school family!

Students from Abroad

In the heart of Rhodes, our school supports a vibrant multicultural community. After all, an international mindset is rooted in our philosophy. We recognize the richness that diversity brings and welcome students from all over the world, creating a successful process of cultural exchanges and interactions. 
This unique approach, combined with our advanced educational programs, makes our school the top choice for your child's education in Rhodes.

Frequently Asked Questions  

We accept students aged 3 to 17 years, from Kindergarten to the final year of High School.
The admission process typically begins in February. There are two main application cycles (February to April & May to June), with a possible additional cycle for late enrollments if there are available spots. Applications submitted during the current school year are evaluated and offered based on availability.
Each year, we receive approximately 300 applications for 90 available spots.
We value students who are generally gifted, but not exclusively in academics. We seek students with a passion for learning, strong character, and a personality that will positively contribute to our community.
The application process can be done at the school's office or online. You can fill out the application form and the relevant details in the "New Enrollments" section of our website.
Yes, candidates undergo a learning assessment by the Counseling Office and our educators. The process is simple and requires no preparation. It aims to explore the learning profile. For more information on the format, content, and dates of the assessment, you can contact the admissions department.
The admissions team will contact you within two weeks of the assessment date to inform you of the findings and the next steps.
Yes, we warmly welcome students from all over the world. Our students must have sufficient knowledge of the Greek language to participate in classes. We evaluate the language proficiency for those for whom Greek is a second language and recommend additional lessons as needed before and during the school year.
Yes, if all spots are filled, applicants can choose to be placed on a waiting list. If spots become available, families on the waiting list are notified in order of priority.
We follow the National Educational Program of the Ministry of Education, which we enhance with our enriched Curriculum. You can find more details in the "Our School" section, selecting your child's grade level.

To ensure thorough information, we recommend scheduling a personal visit by appointment with the Admissions Department. You can also attend the "Going to School" program.

For further questions, you can contact the Admissions Department by filling out the contact form on our website or by calling +302241001410

Program Refer a Friend!

All successful applicants will receive a unique discount of €300 on their tuition fees. Additionally, as a thank you for your effort in recommending our school, we will offer you a unique financial bonus of €300 in services from our school.

Please note that both benefits will be valid for up to 1 year after the moment of referral through our online form.

Neither party will be eligible for this program:
  • If the student has already been referred by someone else.
  • If the student has already submitted their application to our school before you completed this application.
  • If the student is already enrolled.
  • If the referrer is currently attending or has been invited to represent our school at an event as a current student or alumnus. Individuals who were once students of our school and are returning cannot be referred through the refer-a-friend program. Siblings are not eligible for the referral program but may be eligible for sibling discounts.
  • Once the referred student completes the enrollment, you can claim the €300 financial reward, which you can redeem in services from the "RODION PAIDEIA" group.

    Share the Love of Learning!

    Are you a current student or alumnus of our school? Do you have friends or relatives who want to make a mark on the future of their child's education? Recommend our school to them!

    Successful Referrals:

    As a current student or alumnus, you know better than anyone what it means to belong to our school community. That's why we'll offer your referral a unique €300 discount on tuition fees.

     As a thank you for the referral, you will also receive a €300 financial bonus in services from our school. 

    Please note that this program is only available to current students and alumni who recommend a friend or relative to the morning program of "RODION PAIDEIA." Please read the details below before proceeding with your application. For any questions, contact admissions@rpschool.gr. 


    Program Refer a Friend!

    Ο/Η νέος/α μαθητής/τρια που εγγράφηκε από τη σύστασή σου, θα λάβει μια μοναδική έκπτωση 300 ευρώ στα δίδακτρά. Επιπλέον, για να σε ευχαριστήσουμε που έκανες την προσπάθεια να τον/την συστήσεις το σχολείο μας, θα σου προσφέρουμε ένα μοναδικό οικονομικό bonus 300 ευρώ που μπορείς να εξαργυρώσεις είτε στα δίδακτρά τους, ή σε άλλες υπηρεσίες του ομίλου.

    Neither party will be eligible for this program:
  • If the student has already been referred by someone else.
  • If the student has already submitted their application to our school before you completed this application.
  • If the student is already enrolled.
  • αν ο προτείνων παρευρίσκεται ή έχει προσκληθεί να εκπροσωπήσει το σχολείο μας σε εκδήλωση ως τρέχων μαθητής ή απόφοιτος
  • άτομα που υπήρξαν κάποτε μαθητές του σχολείου μας και επιστρέφουν δεν μπορούν να προταθούν στο πρόγραμμα refer a friend.
  • τα αδέλφια δεν είναι επιλέξιμα για το πρόγραμμα παραπομπής, αλλά μπορεί να είναι επιλέξιμα για μια εκπτώσεις αδελφών.
  • Once the referred student completes the enrollment, you can claim the €300 financial reward, which you can redeem in services from the "RODION PAIDEIA" group.

    Share the Love of Learning!

    Are you a current student or alumnus of our school? Do you have friends or relatives who want to make a mark on the future of their child's education? Recommend our school to them!

    Successful Referrals:

    Ως γονέας, μαθητής ή απόφοιτος, γνωρίζεις καλύτερα από όλους  τι σημαίνει να ανήκεις στην κοινότητα του σχολείου μας. Γι’ αυτό, χαιρόμαστε να προσφέρουμε για κάθε σύστασή σου μια μοναδική έκπτωση 300 ευρώ  που μπορείς να εξαργυρώσεις σε δίδακτρα ή σε υπηρεσίες σχολείου μας. 
    Παρακαλούμε σημειώστε ότι αυτό το πρόγραμμα είναι διαθέσιμο μόνο για τρέχοντες μαθητές και αποφοίτους που συστήνουν ένα φίλο ή συγγενή στο πρωινό πρόγραμμα των Εκπαιδευτηρίων «ΡΟΔΙΩΝ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ».. Για οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση, επικοινωνήστε στο admissions@rpschool.gr