

Position: Philologist

School Level: High School

Microsoft Innovative Education Expert

Microsoft Certified Educator

Employed Since: 2003

I am a philologist and have been working at our school since its first year of operation.
I studied in the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Ioannina. From my school and university years, I have consistently and dedicatedly worked towards achieving every goal I set. I completed my postgraduate studies at the Hellenic Open University, focusing on "Studies in Education."
Throughout my long career, I like to believe that I have contributed to helping my students realize their dreams, particularly in preparing for the national exams. My primary focus is on the subject of Modern Greek Language and Literature, which I love because I believe it provides students with the opportunity to reflect, think critically, and act. My passion for my subject drives me to continuously stay updated on developments in the field, and I am registered with the Pedagogical Institute.
I believe that strength lies in TOGETHERNESS, and this is the message I strive to convey to my students. Our world can become a better place if every person considers others, tries to put themselves in their shoes, makes the problems of others their own, and ultimately works towards solving them.
In collaboration with the volunteer organization "The Smile of the Child" and with the help of many teachers at our school, I have organized Easter bazaars for the past 13 years to support the organization, which I hold in high regard and affection for its work. I am also a volunteer bone marrow donor.
I have a deep love for the places I come from, Symi and Nafpaktos.
I am married and have two children, Angelos and Yiannis, who I adore, and our family is completed by our four-legged friend, Fido.