

Position: Physical Education Teacher

School Level: Middle School, High School 

Employed Since: 2014

Originally from the small but beautiful island of Tilos, I was immersed in tradition and especially its music from a very young age. I started with music in elementary school, with the guitar as my first instrument. It was a nice hobby, but too static for me. I had tremendous energy as a child, so I quickly turned to sports, with basketball capturing my heart from the very beginning.
I remember my coach saying, "Basketball is a sport of rhythm," and I thought, "If I don't have rhythm after two years of guitar, then who does?" Often, I found myself taking on the role of a coach, showing my teammates techniques, or teaching my relatives what I had learned. I felt great satisfaction in helping them discover basketball and sports in general.
This passion led me to the Department of Physical Education at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). The excellent relationships with the professors and the high scientific standards of the program reaffirmed my choice of profession every day. Although there are many paths in the field of sports, I felt that my path was in teaching.
My mentor jokingly said, "You're not meant for kids; you'll shout and ruin your voice," and I would reply, "Teacher, I'll sing to them; shouting isn't necessary!"
Through a series of fortunate events and coincidences, I found myself at the door of another great educational institution, "RODION PAIDEIA." Initially, the Summer School program in 2011 gave me a glimpse into the philosophy and capabilities of the institution. By the time I graduated from AUTH in 2014, I was confident in my decision to join its team.
I returned to Rhodes and settled into the family of our Educational Group. I have had the opportunity to work across all levels and departments, from kindergarten to elementary school, and now at the Gymnasium and Lyceum, where I currently work. While the goals may differ, the philosophy remains the same: love for the child and continuous growth.
In addition to my educational work, my afternoons are filled with the rhythm of basketballs at the "Rodion Athlisis" sports center, where I work as a coach and head of the youth programs.
In my free time, I enjoy walks by the sea with the love of my life, Eirini, and our little Michalis, often accompanied by a visit to a nice taverna. If a guitar or lyre happens to be nearby, the break becomes magical.
I also love fishing, especially spearfishing.