Category: Εκπαιδευτικοί Θεσμοί

Educational Institutions

Spelling bee

The English Language Department organizes the "Spelling Bee" competition, where students orally spell English words. For us, spelling means working in teams to enrich our knowledge, using

Educational Institutions

Logic Game

Fun in... mathematical dimensions! Every year, on March 14th, we celebrate World Mathematics Day or "π Day" with the "Logic Game," a celebration of creative and mathematical thinking

Educational Institutions

Science Fair

A journey to the ends of the universe, magical chemistry experiments, brainteasers and mathematical puzzles, physics as you've never seen it before, musical and artistic tours, and dozens of other topics that our

Educational Institutions

Master Experimenter

How do we travel in space? How do we land on a planet? What is neutralization, and what does it produce? With which Newton's law is a rocket's motion possible? The activities of

Educational Institutions

Participation in TEDx Youth

Our students actively participate in the organization of TEDxYouth in Rhodes. Our school supports this excellent initiative by providing materials, people, and facilities. TEDxYouth@Rhodes is the independently organized