

Position: Kindergarten Teacher

School Level: Kindergarten

Employed Since: 2023

I’m Angeliki, born and raised on the beautiful island of Rhodes, with roots in another equally wonderful island, Kalymnos. My heart has always been divided between these two places.
At the age of 18, I left for Athens to study at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where I majored in Preschool Education. From a young age, when asked what I wanted to be, I proudly and joyfully answered, "A teacher, I want to be a teacher!" And that’s exactly what I became!
While working in a private school in Athens (2012-2016), I had the opportunity to attend a three-year course in Music and Movement Education (C.Orff) at Moraitis School. Having played the piano since childhood, this further education brought me even closer to music and helped me realize that you cannot truly learn music unless you play it. And to play, you need to become a child again. After all, don't forget that there’s a child hidden inside you…
I have a great love for travel, especially for Italy, where I’ve traveled many times. In 2015, I decided to visit the city of Reggio Emilia, famous for its schools and, more specifically, for the Reggio Emilia approach. This trip inspired me to pursue a postgraduate program in Rome in 2016. My postgraduate studies focused on Expression and the Arts in Education. I worked for seven years in private international schools, and I must say it was a wonderful experience. However, Greece, and especially Rhodes, was always on my mind and in my heart.
After 18 years away from Rhodes, I decided to return home and enrolled in the Master's Program in "Children's Literature and Educational Material" at the University of the Aegean. While pursuing my studies, I started working at the Kindergarten of Rodion Paideia Schools, and I feel very fortunate to be able to contribute to this large "family" of our school from my own perspective.