

Position: German Teacher

School Level: Primary School, Secondary School (Gymnasium) 

Microsoft Innovative Education Expert

Employed Since: 2021

I was born in Kavala on a cold January day. My parents, Panagiotis and Voula, met in Germany, but they decided to return to their homeland to marry and start a family. After my brother was born, my parents decided to move back to Germany, where my mother's family lived. I grew up in a small village, Niedernhall, in Germany. It was there that I discovered a wonderful place and developed a love for the German language and culture. My elementary school teacher played a decisive role in my life, and from a very young age, I knew what I wanted to become when I grew up.
I studied at the Department of German Language and Literature at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I completed my practical training at the Kalamaria High School and the Goethe Institute in Thessaloniki.
Since 2005, I have been working in education. I started in Kavala at a German Language Center, working alongside remarkable people, where I remained until 2012. Then, I moved to Alexandroupolis, following my military husband. There, I worked at a language center until August 2020, when we relocated to Rhodes. Since 2021, I have had the pleasure of being part of the large family at "RODION PAIDEIA." I regularly participate in various training sessions and seminars that focus on topics such as learning difficulties in foreign language teaching, special education, and the use of new technologies in education. My constant goal is to continually improve and evolve.
I love dancing, traveling, and nature excursions. I am married to Makis, and we are the proud parents of Kyriakos and Viviana.