

Position: Mathematics Department Coordinator, Mathematics Teacher

School Level: Middle School, High School 

Microsoft Innovative Education Expert

Microsoft Certified Educator

Employed Since: 2003

Fotini Vergouli was born and raised in Rhodes. She has been working at our school since 2003, from its very first year of operation. Before that, she worked at the "Thetiko" tutorial school based in Rhodes.
Her love for Mathematics became evident early on, leading to her receiving a state scholarship due to her academic performance to pursue studies at the Department of Mathematics at the School of Sciences of the University of Crete.
From her school years, education and Mathematics have always fascinated her, and they were the goal for her professional journey.
She successfully completed postgraduate courses on "Educational Unit Management" and "Child Development in the Social Environment" at the Hellenic Open University.
Fotini has also attended many seminars related to the teaching of Mathematics and the pedagogical role of the educator because her passion is to transmit this love to her students every time she teaches.
On her initiative, the "Mathematical Literature Book Club" was created. This club excites students because it is a creative, alternative way of education that promotes open dialogue and gives students the opportunity to explore unknown fields of Mathematics, getting to know them in ways not taught in the standard curriculum.
In addition, due to her love for puzzles, riddles, and strategy games, she has created the "Brain Teaser" club for middle and high school students and the "Math Club" workshop for elementary and middle school students.
Throughout her long career, she has achieved many distinctive successes, particularly in preparing students for the Panhellenic exams, where her students achieve high scores. She is also involved in preparing students for mathematics competitions.
Mathematics is hidden everywhere and is what makes our world beautiful, symmetrical, inexplicable, and mysterious, constantly reminding us that there is still so much more to be revealed!
Fotini is married to Kyriakos Kyriakoulis, and they have two daughters, Eleni and Katerina.