

Position: Deputy Principal of the Primary School, Teacher

School Level: Elementary School

Microsoft Innovative Education Expert

Microsoft Certified Educator

Employed Since: 2004

I studied Law at the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Pedagogy at the Department of Primary Education at the University of the Aegean.
I worked as a lawyer and a member of the Rhodes Bar Association from 1994 until 2009. However, my love for children and education led me to ultimately choose a career in teaching. Since 2004, I have been working as a teacher at our school, fulfilling a lifelong dream. In 2009, the school's administration entrusted me with the position of Deputy Principal of the Primary School.
I have been deeply involved in the creation of educational support materials. Being a lifelong learner, I ensure that my training is ongoing. I have attended numerous seminars on education and obtained various certifications from the University of the Aegean in subjects such as "Teaching Greek as a Second/Foreign Language: Theory and Practice" and "Leadership - Education Management." Additionally, I have attended many educational seminars on highly interesting topics such as "Speech, Language & Learning Disorders," "Enriching Distance Learning with Digital Tools," and "The Lesson... as a Game!" I have also received training in "Diagnosing Learning Profiles using ARISTON Learning Styles" from ARISTON PSYCHOMETRICS, providing related advisory services.
I believe that nothing happens by chance and that success is achieved through effort and sacrifice. After all, success comes when one serves their work with love and dedication. I also believe that happiness lies in the time we devote to loved ones and cherished activities. I adore walking in nature, tending to ornamental plants and herbs, and creating homemade culinary delights, which I enjoy sharing with family and friends.
I am married to Vlassis Tsinnas, and we have two sons, Konstantinos and Nikitas, who are graduates of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the National Technical University of Athens.