

Position: COO, Physics Teacher

School Level: High School

Microsoft Innovative Education Expert

Microsoft Certified Educator

Employed Since: 2003

Vlasis Tsinnas was born and raised in southern Rhodes. Among his many childhood memories, aside from the freedom, the games, and the dreams for the future, he vividly recalls his constant curiosity about everything he observed. From an early age, he tried to explain the world around him using the laws of Physics, which he admired and found exciting.
He graduated from the 2nd High School of Rhodes. His love for Physics and education shaped his choices, and in 1988, he graduated from the Physics Department of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.
Quantum Mechanics, Atmospheric Physics, and Nuclear Physics were the subjects that attracted him the most during his studies. As a result, he completed several projects in these fields, including one on Quantum Mechanics titled "The EPR (Einstein Podolsky Rosen) Paradox and Bell's Inequalities," a paradox in modern Physics that remains unsolved to this day.
However, Vlasis was not only passionate about Physics but also about education, and this passion drove him to expand his studies in the Department of Primary Education at the University of the Aegean. His thirst for learning and interest in different fields led him to complete a Master's degree in Business Administration in November 2006. In June 2008, he received the corresponding degree with "Distinction".
The field of education captivated him early on, leading him to consciously choose private education as his career path.
In 1992, together with colleagues, he founded a secondary education tutorial school in the city of Rhodes, where he worked and managed until 2002.
In 2000, a long-held vision of creating an innovative and versatile school began to take shape.
He became a founding member of "Dodecanese Educational Institutions S.A.," the organization that established and operates "RODION PAIDEIA" School. From 2003 to 2011, he held the position of High School Director, and he has served as the Managing Director ever since.
Since 2011, as the Director of Educational Design, Organization, and Administration at "RODION PAIDEIA" Schools, he coordinates and promotes the school's educational work. Despite these responsibilities, he has never stopped teaching Physics and Chemistry in the High School.
Vlasis is married and a father to Konstantinos and Nikitas, both of whom are final-year students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens.
His favorite slogan is Walt Disney's "If you can dream it, you can do it." He always feels joy when he meets one of the thousands of his former students and learns about their progress. He despises hypocrisy and finds true enjoyment in life whenever he gets the chance. Vlasis is a supporter of freedom, the kind that makes people creative and pioneering. He enjoys traveling, especially in Europe, which he considers the center of the world, as well as theater, exercise, and swimming. Most of all, however, he loves his role as a teacher.