

At "RODION PAIDEIA" school, we are dedicated to creating a welcoming learning environment for everyone. Our mission is to provide an education that goes beyond the ordinary.

Working Together
for Education

We invest in the multifaceted development of each employee because we believe that this approach leads to both professional growth and personal fulfillment.

What Makes Us Unique

Our school stands out as an educational institution for many reasons:

We Invest in Our People

We believe that the growth and well-being of our employees are a priority, which is why we offer training, opportunities for development, and personal support.

We Create an Environment that Fosters Taking the Initiative

We encourage innovation, imagination, and autonomy. Here, you have the freedom to express your ideas, develop your skills, and discover your creative self.

We Build Genuine Relationships

We recognize the importance of interaction and mutual support. We create a community based on respect, trust, and collaboration, that fosters authentic relationships which inspire and bring joy to everyone.

We Recognize and Reward

We encourage innovation, imagination, and autonomy. Here, you have the freedom to express your ideas, develop your skills, and discover your creative self.

We Invest in Our People

We believe that the growth and well-being of our employees are a priority, which is why we offer training, opportunities for development, and personal support.

We Create an Environment that Fosters Taking the Initiative

We encourage innovation, imagination, and autonomy. Here, you have the freedom to express your ideas, develop your skills, and discover your creative self.

We Build Genuine Relationships

We recognize the importance of interaction and mutual support. We create a community based on respect, trust, and collaboration, that fosters authentic relationships which inspire and bring joy to everyone.

We Recognize and Reward

We encourage innovation, imagination, and autonomy. Here, you have the freedom to express your ideas, develop your skills, and discover your creative self.

Employee Benefits at "RODION PAIDEIA" School

Tuition Discounts

Tuition discounts are available for the children of employees within the group.

The discount percentage varies based on the employee's position, the organization within the group, and their tenure.

Discounts on Other Group Services

Employees receive preferential membership rates for the "RODION Athlisis" sports facilities, along with additional discounts at the "pergOLA" store and the "Rest Point" restaurant.

Rest Days & Wellness Rewards

Special rest days beyond the legal leave and public holidays are provided.

We acknowledge hard work with wellness rewards such as spa treatments and VIP experiences.

Each year, during the New Year's vasilopita event, one lucky employee wins a luxury trip.

Free Lunch

Employees receive free lunch at the school restaurant, offering opportunities to connect with colleagues and students.

Professional Development

We offer training programs and seminars to support professional development.

Bonus System

The quality of work is evaluated, and additional financial rewards are provided, along with bonuses for innovative projects and significant achievements.

Corporate Culture and
Work Environment

Each year, we conduct surveys with external agencies using anonymous electronic questionnaires on specialized platforms to measure the work environment, culture, and opportunities for staff development. These surveys also evaluate the coordinators, directors, and individuals in leadership positions.
Through multiple questionnaires, the anonymous surveys have revealed significant results. With a participation rate exceeding 91% of the staff, the results showed a high level of employee dedication, reaching 85%. The excellence in the culture of learning and support among employees in our organization is evident when comparing our survey results to those of similar educational institutions across Europe. Notably, our employees demonstrated a level of dedication to "RODION PAIDEIA" school that exceeds the European average for educational organizations by 19 percent.
Η αύξηση ικανοποίησης των εργαζομένων, έπειτα από κάθε έρευνα, είναι αποτέλεσμα βελτιωτικών κινήσεων που πραγματοποιούνται. Έπειτα από τα αποτελέσματα της πρώτης έρευνας κλίματος του 2022, παρατηρήσαμε σημαντικές αυξήσεις σε παράγοντες ικανοποίησης όπως: 
Στις ευκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας
Στην αναγνώριση του κόπου
Στην συνεργασία με διοίκηση για καθορισμό
εργασιακών στόχων
Στην συνεργασία με διοίκηση
για καθορισμό εργασιακών
Στην ποιότητα επιμόρφωσης που οι εργαζόμενοι
κρίνουν ότι έχουν ανάγκη 
Στην ποιότητα επιμόρφωσης
που οι εργαζόμενοι κρίνουν
ότι έχουν ανάγκη 
Στα προνόμια εργαζομένων 
Στην ειλικρινή και αμφίδρομη επικοινωνία 
Στην καλύτερα ποιότητα των σχολίων
ανατροφοδότησης από τον συντονιστή 
Στην καλύτερα ποιότητα των
σχολίων ανατροφοδότησης
από τον συντονιστή 

Education Leaders Awards

"RODION PAIDEIA" school achieved a significant distinction at the Education Leaders Awards, earning the GOLD Award in the Human Resources category for In-School Teacher Training and Corporate Culture.
Watch the video of our interview about the award on the "Ora Ellados" show on OPEN TV channel:

Hiring Process

If you are passionate, possess strong scientific knowledge, have a love for children, talent in communication, and enjoy teamwork, "RODION PAIDEIA" school could become your professional home. Apply now. 
The steps involved are:
In an initial phone interview, we will discuss your experience, philosophy, and the responsibilities of the open position.
The department coordinator will meet with you to assess your skills, attitudes, and pedagogical training related to the position. You will have the opportunity to ask the coordinator questions and discuss the role’s responsibilities.
You will be asked to design a lesson plan and implement it. The coordinator and another educator will observe your lesson and provide feedback.
One of the school directors will meet with you to discuss your motivations for working at the school, your ability to fulfill the role, and your potential for future development.
In the final step, we will inform you of our decision regarding your employment. We will also discuss financial compensation and contract terms.

Step 1 + -

In an initial phone interview, we will discuss your experience, philosophy, and the responsibilities of the open position.

Step 2 + -

The department coordinator will meet with you to assess your skills, attitudes, and pedagogical training related to the position. You will have the opportunity to ask the coordinator questions and discuss the role’s responsibilities.

Step 3 + -

You will be asked to design a lesson plan and implement it. The coordinator and another educator will observe your lesson and provide feedback.

Step 4 + -

One of the school directors will meet with you to discuss your motivations for working at the school, your ability to fulfill the role, and your potential for future development.

Step 5 + -

In the final step, we will inform you of our decision regarding your employment. We will also discuss financial compensation and contract terms.

Open Roles

Our work represents a significant part of our identity. We dedicate time and energy to it, so it should be fulfilling for all of us!