

Position: French Teacher

School Level: Primary School, Secondary School (Gymnasium) 

Microsoft Innovative Education Expert

Employed Since: 2004

I was born and raised in Morocco. I attended the Paul Valéry School in the city of Meknès. Though French-speaking, my mind was always filled with Greek words. At the age of 15, I arrived in Rhodes, where I completed high school and continued my education at the French Institute of Athens, with the goal of becoming a French teacher and teaching my native language as a foreign language to Greek students.
I have worked in translation, served as the secretary of the Francophone Association in Rhodes, and was both a teacher and the editor of the school newspaper for the French department of the Multicultural Families Association of Rhodes (S.P.O.R.).
My journey at "RODION PAIDEIA" began in 2004. I not only teach French but also actively participate in informal education, which our school provides so successfully to our students. For many years, I was in charge of the Cooking Club, and in the 2023-2024 school year, I am coordinating the activities of the "Survival Skills" Club.
To cope with the incredibly fast pace of life, I ease my stress by cooking and baking. My "culinary creations" bring joy to those around me, and that joy is returned to me. When I am not cooking, I relax in the company of my wonderful friends.
My life is made more beautiful and meaningful by my two children, Christos and Marifrance.