
Expanded Educational Programs


Panhellenic Exam Preparation

Preparation begins as early as the second year of High School, with a focus on gradually covering the examination material in depth. The orientation courses are conducted in small groups, allowing for personalized instruction and direct interaction between students and teachers. The teachers involved in the preparation are highly qualified and have extensive experience in preparing students for the Panhellenic exams.
This approach fully utilizes the time students spend at school, making any external help unnecessary, as every student’s difficulties are identified and effectively addressed during the core teaching hours and additional instructional support sessions.
With the expanded program, a collaborative atmosphere is created, and time for study at home is reduced, allowing students to fully absorb the material and have more free time for a balanced life. The effectiveness of the High School program is ensured by providing well-organized notes for all subjects, completing the exam material in a timely manner, allowing ample time for meaningful revisions, and offering personalized tutoring.

Panhellenic Exam Simulations

Every Monday, third-year High School students participate in Panhellenic exam simulations, where they practice with mock tests that reflect the real exam conditions. This activity helps them improve their test-taking skills, develop time management and stress management abilities, while also providing timely and valuable feedback on their performance.

Career and Academic Preparation Workshops

At the High School of "RODION PAIDEIA," we are committed to providing our students with advanced preparation through a series of specially designed workshops and seminars. Career Days and seminars covering resume writing and preparation techniques for international university applications offer our students a deeper understanding of the academic and professional opportunities in the modern world.
Our school’s ongoing collaborations with international universities allow students to participate in seminars that provide practical guidance on approaching university studies in other countries and the admission process, offering them valuable tools for the next phase of their lives.

Participation in RhodesMRC

Our High School maintains steady participation in the Rhodes Model Regional Cooperation (RhodesMRC), a pioneering educational program that incorporates the practices of the Model United Nations. RhodesMRC focuses on promoting peaceful coexistence and sustainable development at the regional level. The program gives our students the opportunity to participate in diplomatic processes and develop their negotiation skills.

Natural Sciences

At our High School, natural sciences are taught through a continually enriched program. The lessons in the science labs promote experiential learning, as students engage in practical activities and experiments that enhance their understanding of theoretical concepts.
The lab is equipped with modern tools and technologies, such as high-resolution microscopes, motion sensors, graphing software, and precision instruments. This equipment enables students to explore complex scientific ideas through direct observation and experimentation, fostering scientific thinking and creativity.
Through continuous participation in national and international competitions, such as the Hellenic Youth Naturalist Tournament and the International Physics Olympiads, our students develop leadership skills, strengthen teamwork, and successfully compete at a high level. This process not only enriches their educational experience but also prepares them for future academic and professional challenges.

Foreign Languages

We offer intensive foreign language instruction, preparing our students to excel in a globalized society.
Our program focuses on completing advanced certifications in English, German, and French, with particular emphasis on English for students aiming for an American high school diploma and studies abroad.


In the first and second years of High School, we offer 24 clubs that not only have an academic orientation but also enrich students' life skills. These clubs cover topics such as youth entrepreneurship, cooking, theater, podcasting, RP debate club, research history, and more. Through these clubs, we give students the opportunity to explore their interests and talents, encourage personal development, and boost their confidence.

Flexible Activities Zone

The Flexible Activities Zone (ZED) is a dynamic program that allows students to engage with various topics and expand their knowledge base beyond the standard curriculum.
As educators, we set specific goals in thematic areas such as "Zero Waste Philosophy," "Energy Conservation," "First Aid," "Know Your Land," and many others.
We frequently invite notable people to discuss with students and inspire them through their experiences and knowledge.

Research Projects and Student Conference

In our middle school, students produce at least 20 research projects annually on topics such as "MATHEM{A -(R)-T}ICS," "π history," and "From Lake to Tap: Modeling and Managing Water Resources in Rhodes through Functions."
Through this process, students learn the scientific research method, one of the most important skills for analyzing and solving problems.
Many of these projects participate in national and international competitions, where our students often receive distinctions. In this way, we encourage the development of leadership skills, collaboration, and adaptation to cultural differences.

Educational Trips

Through educational trips and activities outside of school, our students gain the opportunity to explore the world around them and apply their knowledge in real-world conditions.
Our trips include both one-day and multi-day journeys, within Greece and abroad, such as the "Spring School," held in various locations in Greece and abroad.
The Spring School for first-year High School students takes place in Thessaloniki and Thessaly, while second- and third-year High School students have the opportunity to participate in multi-day trips abroad, to France and Italy.
In these thematic excursions, students explore new places, connect with nature, walk on trails, and improve their relationships with each other, enhancing their team spirit and personal development.

Multicultural Programs and Exchanges

We promote understanding of different cultures and global awareness through multicultural programs and contact with schools abroad.