

The "RODION PAIDEIA" school constitutes a unique, innovative, and progressively developing school, offering high-quality education in a rich and stimulating learning environment.
Our institution includes Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary School,
Middle School, and High School.
Today, our school is nationally recognized as an exceptional private institution, both for the achievements of our students and for our active involvement in various social initiatives.
Families who entrust us with the care and education of their children choose a safe and inspiring environment for their development.

Our Mission

The timeless gift of an educational journey!

Our mission is to provide an innovative educational experience that shapes well-rounded individuals. Our goal is to develop responsible and dynamic citizens who possess the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to meet the challenges of the future.
The "RODION PAIDEIA" school serves as a gateway to culture and timeless values, guiding students on a path of balance, success, and fulfillment.

Our Philosophy

At "RODION PAIDEIA" school, we believe that success should be measured not only by grades but by the positive impact a person leaves on the world. The willingness and ability to learn, lead, and contribute are what make life truly worthwhile. We cultivate these values in our students over their 14 years of education, focusing on five key pillars.
We encourage intellectual exploration, independent thinking, and effective learning habits
In the educational process, half the "battle" is won when students eagerly anticipate the school day ahead. The curriculum promotes research, critical thinking, and dialogue through the analysis of sources, exploratory projects, participation in at least 24 clubs and additional activities, expert lectures, and an enriched non-exam program.
These intellectual pursuits foster freedom and confidence, enabling our students to think and speak independently while evolving into top-performing graduates who are highly sought after in the job market.
We ensure that our children reach their full potential and expand their educational and professional opportunities
Achieving strong exam results opens up more life choices. Nearly all of our students attend top universities.
Outstanding educators, coaches, and mentors help our students harness their talents in science, sports, and the arts, guiding them towards distinguished professional careers.
We guide our children to discover their talents, skills, and values so they can have a positive impact on the world beyond "RODION PAIDEIA" school
To develop strong character, students are encouraged to adopt an unwavering value system and wholeheartedly embrace everything that "RODION PAIDEIA" offers.
Our comprehensive, structured, and balanced environment shapes young people who are confident, creative, and valuable collaborators—whether in the classroom or out in the world—and that is what truly matters.
We collaborate with children who will thrive and contribute to the "RODION PAIDEIA" school community
Although "RODION PAIDEIA" is in high demand and we carefully select our students, we do not focus solely on academic performance when it comes to new enrollments.
The students of "RODION PAIDEIA" despite having diverse talents, share a common willingness to flourish and contribute to our school's environment.
We provide an environment, infrastructure, and services that set us apart
"RODION PAIDEIA" school is an environment of innovation. As the needs of our students grow, so does the environment that supports them. 
On an expansive campus, we offer fully equipped facilities, including science labs, computer labs, technology and robotics workshops, visual arts studios, music rooms, a library and reading room, amphitheaters, theater and event halls, soccer fields, basketball and volleyball courts, padel courts, an indoor basketball court, a heated swimming pool, and dance studios.

Our Values

Education with Purpose
At "RODION PAIDEIA" school, we believe that education is not just about earning a degree; it's a transformative process. Students seek skills that will change their lives. Employers want graduates who will transform their businesses. Society needs people who will transform the world.
Like all changes, we start with action! We focus on what our students can achieve in the real world, rather than just on the theory delivered in classrooms.

We prioritize the skills most needed to drive change in their careers, in the businesses they will create or work for, and in the society we all live in. This belief in the power of learning through action goes beyond just a philosophy.

It is the guiding force behind every program we offer, every lesson we teach, and every activity we organize. This is what makes "RODION PAIDEIA" the school for those who are made to act.
Learning Through Challenge
We learn to act, and we act to learn, both individually and in groups. Our students are constantly practicing to develop a set of skills that enable them to face any challenge.

Our emphasis on discovery-based learning equips "RODION PAIDEIA" students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in today’s reality. We build confidence, flexibility, and resilience to help them tackle the challenges of real life.

Improving Ourselves and Others
Within our community, we encourage our students to pursue lifelong learning, fueled by curiosity, optimism, and a desire for continuous growth. We aim to help students become the best versions of themselves, fostering resilience and integrity so they can lead with self-awareness, authenticity, and fairness.
With this mindset, they continue to improve not only their own lives but also look beyond themselves, positively influencing society and creating a better world for everyone.

Our History

"RODION PAIDEIA" school was founded by visionary educators with a deep belief in the noble role of the teacher and the mission of education. At our school, we view education as a continuously evolving journey. In 2003, we opened our doors for the first time, and since then, we have established ourselves as one of the leading private schools in Greece.
Exciting learning journeys, innovative teaching methods, and carefully considered psycho-emotional approaches are just some of the elements that guide us, step by step, in building a strong and progressively developing school.
The journey continues…

The company "Ekpaideutiria Dodekanisou S.A." is founded. Construction begins to house the dreams of the founders of the "RODION PAIDEIA" school.

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"RODION PAIDEIA" school opens its doors with the 1st "Science Fair," welcoming its first students in Elementary, Middle, and High School.

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The "Literature Path" makes its debut. The "Summer School" programs begin, offering joyful summers.

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The "RODION PAIDEIA" Kindergarten is built and starts operating. The summer program "Scientific Dives" ("Epistimonikes Katadiseis") begins.

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Awarded at the Zappeion Colonnade by the Ministers of Health and Education for promoting the idea of Organ Donation. The Interdisciplinary Counseling Center "RODION Anadrasi" opens. The International Mathematics Competition "Kangaroo" is organized. The "My Recital" becomes established.

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"RODION Athlisis" starts operating.

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The "Open Day of Science & Art" is established.

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The "Literature Path" is awarded by the global iBbY Organization.

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The Preschool begins operating. Three of our high school students join the national teams for the Physics and Mathematics Olympiads, winning medals and accolades.

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The "RODION Mathisis" Educational Centers begin operating.

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The "RODION Odeion" starts its operations.

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1st Prize in Singing for our Kindergarten from the "European School Radio." TEDx youth@Rhodes is organized.

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The "Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad" is held at our school.

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Twinned with "St. George College" in Australia and "Aristotle" in Canada. The "RODION KDAP" begins operations.

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We are the first school in Greece to implement pioneering remote learning during the pandemic.

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We achieve the title of "Microsoft Showcase School" and are among the 417 selected schools worldwide.

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We win three awards at the Education Leaders Awards 2024:

GOLD Award in the Human Resources category for In-School Teacher Training and Corporate Culture. 

SILVER Award in the Digital Education, Robotics, and AI category for the Educational Approach "One to One Devices and Learning."

SILVER Award in the Outreach, Educational Visits, and Experiential Learning category for the museum initiatives of the Elementary School.

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In collaboration with Columbia School in the USA, we offer the US Dual Diploma, allowing students to earn an American High School Diploma alongside the Greek one.

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Today, in our Educational Group: 550 families have their children enrolled, 800 athletes participate in "RODION Athlisis," 430 students attend "RODION Mathisis," 126 children study at "RODION Odeion," 184 employees work in the group.

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