
Additional Activities


Additional Support

Activities offered in collaboration with RODION Mathisis.
Activities offered in collaboration with
RODION Mathisis.
These activities are offered in collaboration with "RODION Mathisis." In small groups or individual lessons, students have the opportunity for targeted additional support in subjects such as Ancient Greek, Latin, History, Modern Greek, Essay Writing, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Economics, and Information Technology.
These programs fully utilize the time students spend at school, making any external help unnecessary, as each student’s difficulties are identified and effectively addressed during core teaching hours and additional support sessions.
Moreover, this additional support is provided by the same teachers who teach the respective subjects, as they are familiar with both the strengths and weaknesses of their students. This way, teachers can focus on what students truly need, ensuring that educational and learning goals are met.

Dance  and Sports

Activities offered in collaboration with RODION Athlisis.
Activities offered in collaboration with
RODION Athlisis.


Activities offered in collaboration with RODION Odeion.
Activities offered in collaboration with
RODION Odeion.
The music department provides comprehensive musical education to the highest standards and the opportunity to obtain recognized qualifications. Systematic learning of a musical instrument complements the already enriched basic music education within our curriculum, decisively contributing to students' personality development and cultivation.
Students can learn individually or in group classes: